Paper title:

The Architecture of a Complex GIS & Spreadsheet Based DSS

Published in: Issue 3, (Vol. 4) / 2010
Publishing date: 2010-10-26
Pages: 9-13
Author(s): Airinei Dinu, Homocianu Daniel
Abstract. The decision support applications available on today market use to combine the decision analysis of historical data based on On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) products or spreadsheet pivot tables with some new reporting facilities as alerts or key performance indicators available in portal dashboards or in complex spreadsheet-like reports, both corresponding to a new approach of the field called Business Intelligence. Moreover the geographical features of GIS added to DSS applications become more and more required by many kinds of businesses. In fact they are more useful this way than as distinctive parts. The paper tries to present a certain DSS architecture based on the association between such approaches and technologies. The particular examples are meant to support all the theoretical arguments and to
Keywords: DSS (Decision Support System), GIS (Geographical Information System), Spatial Decision Problems, SDSS (Spatial DSS), DSS Architecture On Scenarios, Efficiency Argum

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