Paper title:

Data Model Approach And Markov Chain Based Analysis Of Multi-Level Queue Scheduling

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 4) / 2010
Publishing date: 2010-04-30
Pages: 50-56
Author(s): SHUKLA Diwakar, OJHA Shweta, JAIN Saurabh
Abstract. There are many CPU scheduling algorithms in literature like FIFO, Round Robin, Shortest-Job-First and so on. The Multilevel-Queue-Scheduling is superior to these due to its better management of a variety of processes. In this paper, a Markov chain model is used for a general setup of Multilevelqueue-scheduling and the scheduler is assumed to perform random movement on queue over the quantum of time. Performance of scheduling is examined through a row dependent data model. It is found that with increasing value of α and d, the chance of system going over the waiting state reduces. At some of the interesting combinations of α and d, it diminishes to zero, thereby, provides us some clue regarding better choice of queues over others for high priority jobs. It is found that if queue priorities are added in the scheduling intelligently then better performance could be obtained. Data model helps choosing appropriate preferences.
Keywords: Process Scheduling, Markov Chain Model, Mathematical Model, State Of The System, Rest State, Process Queue, Multilevel Queue Scheduling, Transition Probability Matrix, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Row Dependent Data Model.

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