Paper title:

Are Free Cloud Services Productive? A Performance Study on End User Computing

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 4) / 2010
Publishing date: 2010-04-30
Pages: 34-40
Author(s): PERERA Indika
Abstract. With the introduction of Cloud based services, today’s computing has gained a new paradigm shift towards global, massive scale computing platforms, available for both macro and micro computing requirements. Although, there have been quite a few large scale Grid computing facilities for commercial and research computing purposes, Cloud computing services have extended their services to the individual end users with limited computing requirements. This paper is focused on how Cloud services impact on individual end users’ computing needs in the perspective of system performance productivity. The paper covers the Cloud computing conceptual models with present services available. Importantly, the experiment is based on free Cloud services dedicated for individual end users with limited computing requirements, to evaluate the computing productivity. The research results clearly indicate productivity bottlenecks on average computing users’ usage experiences, with Cloud services; which open an appealing dialogue for researchers to be indecisive on what they believe on Cloud service benefits, and the way it should be used.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, System Performance, Cloud Productivity, End User Experience, Web OS

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