Paper title:

The Impact of the Informational Technologies upon Managing and Organizing a Modern Enterprise

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 4) / 2010
Publishing date: 2010-03-30
Pages: 96-101
Author(s): Camelia Mihalciuc, Irina Ciubotariu, Anisoara Apetri
Abstract. In the conditions of an informational society, a modern enterprise cannot survive without disposing of real time information, by considering both its internal and external sides. Some tasks, such as collecting, processing, storing or providing of information and knowledge will come up to the informational system of an enterprise. Taking into account the informational point of view, a modern enterprise has to be connected to the newest information and communication technologies, as concerns the moment of reporting upon. Starting from these reasons, the authors of this paper tried to prove that organizations have had an immediate impact upon the informational technologies, by taking decisions as concerns the way these will be used and their part within informational systems. The information technology has always changed the education and learning processes, and had also continued to change drastically the type of work and of organizations. The key element within this dramatic process has been represented by the information and its mean of carrying out, being used by various organization members.
Keywords: Informational Technologies, Modern Enterprise, Informational System, Informatics System

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