Paper title:

Offline Web Mining Analysis on Various Site Types Using Classical Algorithms

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 4) / 2010
Publishing date: 2010-03-30
Pages: 9-13
Author(s): Dan A. Sitar-Taut, Daniel Mican
Abstract. Abstract-Web Mining aims to discover new information from the web links structures, the content pages and the way in which the users interact with the database. Current concern in the domain of online applications deals with the possibility of extracting knowledge, evaluating the user's behavior and understanding what they desire, in order to anticipate immediately their navigational behavior. In our experiment we will apply techniques such as clustering and the association rules, in order to discover new patterns among the existent data, with the purpose of making correlations and organizing the data by creating new groups of similar objects, in order to access and retrieve the data in accordance with the user's preferences.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Web Mining, Session Construction, Association Rules, Clustering

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