Paper title:

Implementing a Topology Management Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 2) / 2008
Pages: 44-50
Author(s): Seetharam Anand, Bhattacharyya Abhishek, Naskar K. Mrinal
Abstract. In this paper, we propose to maintain the topology of a MANET by suitably selecting multiple coordinators among the nodes constituting the MANET. The maintenance of topology in a mobile ad–hoc network is of primary importance because the routing techniques can only work if we have a connected network. Thus of the burning issues at present is to device algorithms which ensure that the network topology is always maintained. The basic philosophy behind our algorithm is to isolate two coordinators amongst the system based on positional data. Once elected, they are entrusted with the responsibility to emit signals of different frequencies while the other nodes individually decide the logic they need to follow in order to maintain the topology, thereby greatly reducing the overhead. As far as our knowledge goes, we are the first ones to introduce the concept of multiple coordinators which not only reduces the workload of the coordinator, but also eliminates the need of different signal ranges thereby ensuring greater efficiency. We have simulated the algorithm with the help of a number of robots using embedded systems. The results we have obtained have been quite encouraging
Keywords: MANET, Topology Management, Multiple Coordinators

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