Paper title:

European Integration Knowledge Management in Collaborative Environment

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 2) / 2008
Pages: 35-39
Author(s): Podean Marius, Rusu Lucia, Lutas Mihaela, Jecan Sergiu
Abstract. The goal of this paper is to create a collaborative model of a student centered learning system that will enable a greater efficiency in the collegiate learning, concerning both the skills acquired by student and the time and costs involved in providing the content. The model will stimulate the acquisition of high level skills like active thinking, analysis and problem solving, and also the collaboration between members. Our solution provides interactive functions for login students and upload their work, the teacher's feedback, Real-time chat Room and discussion forum. For collaborative approach we provide functions such for group management, group collaborative learning, access to shared resources. Metadata concepts and XML technology was used for modeling course and optimized learning materials and collaboration reports.
Keywords: Collaboration Model, Personalized Interface, Blended E-learning

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