Paper title:

An Energy Efficient Data Gathering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 2) / 2008
Pages: 30-34
Author(s): Seetharam Anand, Acharya Ayan, Bhattacharyya Abhishek, Naskar K. Mrinal
Abstract. Wireless sensor nodes, being highly energy constrained, formulating energy-efficient protocols in order to enhance network lifetime are of prime importance in wireless sensor networks. The LEACH and PEGASIS protocols which are elegant solutions to this problem try to minimize the overall energy dissipation by the nodes in the network. While the LEACH protocol randomizes cluster heads for achieve equal energy dissemination, the PEGASIS protocol forms a chain of cluster heads taking rounds in transmitting to the base station. In this paper we propose an energy efficient protocol which enhances the performance of LEACH, PEGASIS. As the individual nodes are deployed randomly in the area under surveillance the base station is located at variable distances from them Thus each node actually dissipates a different amount of energy during its turn of transmission to the base station. This energy difference between the various nodes keeps on increasing with resulting in poorer network performance. In our scheme each node only communicates with a close neighbor and takes turns in transmitting to the base station depending on its distance from it. This helps to iron out the unequal energy dissipation by the individual nodes of the network and results in superior performance as compared to LEACH and PEGASIS. Extensive simulations have been carried out which shows that significant improvement is over these schemes
Keywords: Wireless Senzor Network, Data Gathering Cycle, Greedy Algorithm, Ant Colony Optimization, Network Lifetime

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