Paper title:

Interpretation of ECG Signal with a Multi-Layer Neural Network

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 2) / 2008
Pages: 23-27
Author(s): Ostafe Dumitru
Abstract. In this article there are introduced the results obtained in the interpretation of the components of a biomedical signal, ECG, by using a multi-layer neural network, using the backpropagation algorithm. The neural network was simulated with the Neuroshell2.0 program. The new obtained network was used within the program of automate diagnosing of the ECG.
Keywords: ECG, Neural Networks, Hidden Layer, Backpropagation, P Waves

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2. Sãmpleanu M., Circuite pentru conversia datelor, Editura tehnicã, Bucureºti, 1980;

3. Ward Systems Group Inc., NeuroShell2, Ed. Ward Systems Group, 1999.

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