Paper title:

Robotic Process Automation in Higher Education: A Case Study on University Daily Sheets

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 17) / 2023
Publishing date: 2023-10-16
Pages: 21-26
Author(s): TOMA Marian- Vlăduț
Abstract. Modern higher education institutions have become increasingly reliant on digital technologies to streamline their operations and enhance the learning experience. The automation of daily sheets collection and signing represents a strategic endeavor in this direction, facilitating organized, timely, and efficient data management. The current case study focuses on understanding and developing an automated mechanism for the collection of daily sheets activities in a higher education institution. In this endeavor, the primary objective is to streamline the administrative processes associated with daily activities in a higher educational setup, leveraging the principles of Robotic Process Automation to efficiently collect, process, analyze and sign documents related to these activities
Keywords: Higher Education, Robotic Process Automation, UiPath, Public Institutions

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