Paper title:

Overview of Common Parallel Benchmark Applications and Suites

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 16) / 2022
Publishing date: 2022-10-11
Pages: 9-14
Author(s): DAVIES Isobo N., IKE Anireh V. E.
Abstract. In the field of computing, there has been a growing interest in comparing supercomputers in terms of performance and how scalable computer systems are. New generation of massively parallel systems can now match the computing power of traditional shared memory and multiprocessor architectures. To be considered ideally parallel, a computer system must be linearly scalable and capable of deal with progressively more complex problems by increasing the number of processors while also maintaining machine efficiency and keeping execution time constant. In distributed systems, time- critical and high-performance nodes are required to meet the growing demands for storing, processing, and retrieving massive amounts of data while keeping the server's throughput in mind. In this paper, we present some of the nine (9) benchmark suites aimed at evaluating the performance of highly parallel supercomputer systems. These performances can come in the form of teams of speedups, scalability, or efficiency.
Keywords: Parallel Benchmark, Benchmark Suites, Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS)

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