Paper title:

Numerical Methods for the Determination of Roots of Polynomials

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 13) / 2019
Publishing date: 2019-04-16
Pages: 31-38
Author(s): AJAH Michael
Abstract. The place of numerical approaches in determining the roots of polynomials cannot be overlooked. This is because the root of some polynomial equations cannot be determined by the analytic approaches and as such numerical methods have to be employed in doing so. In this research work, approximate roots of polynomials were found using numerical methods (the Bisection method, the Newton's method and the Secant method). The aim is to find out the more accurate method that converges quickly to the root of the polynomial and also stable when compared to the exact solution. The numerical methods were used to find solutions to problems of polynomials, results were analyzed and we found out that the Secant method is a more accurate and reliable numerical method in determining roots of polynomials as compared to the Bisection and Newton's methods.
Keywords: Polynomial, Root/solution, Bisection Method, Newton's Method, Secant Method

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