Paper title:

Face Recognition using Gabor Filters

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 5) / 2011
Publishing date: 2011-10-28
Pages: 53-57
Author(s): SHARIF Muhammad , KHALID Adeel , RAZA Mudassar , MOHSIN Sajjad
Abstract. An Elastic Bunch Graph Map (EBGM) algorithm is being proposed in this research paper that successfully implements face recognition using Gabor filters. The proposed system applies 40 different Gabor filters on an image. As a result of which 40 images with different angles and orientation are received. Next, maximum intensity points in each filtered image are calculated and mark them as Fiducial points. The system reduces these points in accordance to distance between them. The next step is calculating the distances between the reduced points using distance formula. At last, the distances are compared with database. If match occurs, it means that the image is recognized.
Keywords: Face, Recogntion, Image, Gabor, Distance Formula

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