Paper title:

Keystream Generator Based On Simulated Annealing

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 5) / 2011
Publishing date: 2010-04-29
Pages: 48-53
Author(s): ABDULSALAM A. Ayad
Abstract. Advances in the design of keystream generator using heuristic techniques are reported. A simulated annealing algorithm for generating random keystream with large complexity is presented. Simulated annealing technique is adapted to locate these requirements. The definitions for some cryptographic properties are generalized, providing a measure suitable for use as an objective function in a simulated annealing algorithm, seeking randomness that satisfy both correlation immunity and the large linear complexity. Results are presented demonstrating the effectiveness of the method.
Keywords: Simulated Annealing, Stream Cipher, Keystream Generator, Randomness, Linear Complexity

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