Paper title:

Optimization of Distributed Applications

Published in: Issue 3, (Vol. 4) / 2010
Publishing date: 2010-10-26
Pages: 32-35
Author(s): CRISTESCU Marian, CRISTESCU Corina Ioana
Abstract. Software optimization is an important element of the software engineering and an essential step in the development of software products. If one considers a number of n programs solving the same problem, the optimum program is the one which provides the best value for an indicator also known as performance criteria. The manner of designing and projecting distributed applications must meet the current needs of the target group. The premises taken into account are that the final product will be sited in a constantly evolving information environment. Evolution is mainly achieved upon meeting the needs of users’ group. It is precisely them who evolve and validate the implementation manner of distributed application concept.
Keywords: Optimization, Distributed Systems, Optimal Criteria, Software Engineering.

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